Empires Of Creation (PC)

USD 1.51
USD 5.19
Empires Of Creation - Region Free - EU - PC - 100% Uncut
Wichtig: Empires Of Creation enthält nur englische Sprache.
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Über dieses Spiel
Empires Of Creation is the debut title from Bundle Of Sticks studios.
Empires Of Creation is an up-and-coming Sci-Fi themed sandbox game in which the player takes on the role of a fleet commander, destined to make his name in the galaxy and ultimately conquer it. Forge relationships with surrounding empires and use your wit to establish a galactic monopoly. Colonize nearby habitable stars to expand your presence in the cosmos. The universe is your playground in this dynamic economy.
Enjoy fast paced, high intensity fleet battles with enemy ships as you race to the top. Whosoever can prove his superiority in the field and in the diplomatic sphere shall come out victorious.
After procedurally generating a spiral galaxy in Empires of Creation the player will find themselves with nothing but potential and an AI that has no regard for life programmed to do whatever is required to conquer the galaxy. Initially the player you will recruit ships from colony worlds that are barely able to scratch the armada of empire fleets, from this point you will proceed to upgrade them to formidable combat hardened battles fleets and eventually destroyers of worlds. The game turns from being a predominantly self centered ordeal, to a risk factoring strategy game as you obtain your first colonizer followed by claiming your first colony and beginning your own empire. Expansion and hostility will find you involved in galactic warfare with entire empires but this is essential if the player wants to obtain the ultimate goal of conquering the galaxy.
- Galaxy
- Persistent
- Procedurally Generated (Fully customizable)
- Interactive
- Variable time acceleration
- Empires
- Capable of taking over the galaxy
- Relation dependent decision making
- Reactive AI
- Player is able to create their own empire
- Combat
- Player is able to take control of any ship in their fleet
- at any-time
- Completely Physics based
- Slow down effects
- Boosting and other abilities
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e) Download des Spiels
Nach erfolgreicher Eingabe des CD-Keys wird das Spiel unterhalb "Spiele", mit dem Status: "installieren" aufgelistet. Klicken Sie auf das Spiel und der Download beginnt, das Spiel wird installiert und startet nach Beendigung automatisch.
- Betriebssystem: Windows XP Service Pack 3
- Prozessor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core i3
- Grafik: Intel® HD 4400
- DirectX: Version 9.0
- Speicherplatz: 256 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
Mac OS X
- Betriebssystem: Mac OS X 10.9.5 (13F1112)
- Prozessor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core i3
- Arbeitsspeicher: 2 GB RAM
- Grafik: Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB
- Speicherplatz: 256 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- Arbeitsspeicher: 4 MB RAM
SteamOS + Linux
- Betriebssystem: Ubuntu 14.04
- Prozessor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core i3
- Arbeitsspeicher: 2 GB RAM
- Grafik: Intel® HD 4400
- Speicherplatz: 256 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz